About Salvere Farm
Salvere Farm is a family owned and operated farm located on the northeast end of Otisco Lake in Marietta, NY. We grow a diverse mix of vegetables, herbs, and small fruits. Currently we only sell garlic and shallots via online sales, wholesaling, and/or pickup at the farm. We became Certified Organic when the farm was started in 2005. We have always grown all of our produce according to a mix of tried and true organic methods along with the newest advancements in eco-agriculture. We have never used synthetic fertilizers, herbicides or pesticides on the farm. Nutrient density of our produce is very important to us and we continue to improve our soils every year. Brix levels (an indicator of mineral density and plant health) continue to rise and the veggies get tastier each summer. They also last longer in storage. Our products have been sold through our website, food hubs, at farmer’s markets, to various restaurants and stores, and through a member supported CSA.
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- Certified Organic by WSDA and USDA